
❤ Sunday, December 30, 2007

hello little earthlings of this small planet.

im here to blog again!!

(p.s: pretty long entry.. so be prepared!)


so we'll start with caroling first on the 22/12/07.

theme for this year..

our team wore matching ribbons!

bf & i got to wear matching tees!!

but i tot it was quite cute that me & bf were wearing the same shirts.


come on!!

how often do we get a chance to wear same shirts huh?

(even if we were forced to wear them with the rest of the caroling teams. ^^)

thats the tambourine.
very pretty with lots of colorful ribbons..

caroling in chinatown..

thats the nite life of chinatown.

it was quite tiring actually.

and it got boring after awhile.

we carol-ed for 2 hours plus plus ok!!


i am like so sick for christmas carols now.


so we had supper in church..

catered by the church for our efforts!!


the food made the caroling all worth it.


on the 23/12/07 i went over to my cousin's place.

went to AMK hub.

we bought all the ingredients for the party for the next day at the hyper market.

we forgot to buy the small christmas tree dat i wanted to put up at my place.


tell me, wad is christmas without a CHRISTMAS TREE???

well anyway.

BOO-ed at huazhen while she was working.


silly girl got so stunned when she saw me.


went over to my cousin's place to see her new kitten!!

and use my aunt's break maker to do pizza crusts.


the wonderful use of technology.

this is tammy.

my cousin's 2 month old ++ kitten.

she's really tiny.

and the strips on her are gorgeous.

dats her in a blissful state of heaven.
scratching her head while she was sitting on my lap.

im like so jealous..


mummy.. i want a KITTEN!!


so on the 24/12/07 party at my place..

morning went out with bf & nat.

went back to sch cos nat wanted to change his application form.

saw ms rahimah.


laughing like crazy woman.

cutest thing.

i didnt get the joke.


lunch-ed there.


party at nite!

mummy did all the cooking!!


we had prawn salad for appetizer.

the main course was..

looks good rite??


really, i bluff u not.


see dats the dough made at my aunt's palce with the bread maker.

spreading the tomato paste..

pizza in oven with added ingredients.

to the invention of pizzas!!

and we ate & ate & ate & ATE!!

and for dessert..

chocolate fudge cake fruit pudding!!
(ok wipe that drool coming out of ur mouth now. =X)

we exchanged gifts.

and i really quite like all the gifts given to me.

except one which was quite strange.

considering it came from my mom.

i saw a big package frm mummy.

den i was thinking:
"wha! beside $100 frm her i got another present!!"

den i took all my presents to the table.

was abt to rip it open.

"girl! dun open mine yet! got men around!"


i peepped inside.

it was a cream coloured box.

with kotex inside..


my mother's defence excuse:
"aiiya saw the box maah. useful leh!! can keep alot of things inside!"

my mother lorhs.


nothing to say.

so anyway didnt do much on the 25/12/07.

went to church.

exchanged my christmas gifts with everyone.

me & bf's cups.
hand made by dorcas!
its both yellow. bet she did dat on purpose. -.-
(tho she "claimed" she did not.)

so had free lunch in church.

den hung out with bf, austin & nat at

arcade. pool. boring.

but i got to spend christmas with bf.


absolutely love ur present.

cant rmb wad i did the next few days.


sorry sorry.


//skip skip skip.


after church had lunch with bf & his family at

(u can click the link & check it out.)

its at orchard parade hotel.

serves modern chinese cuisines.

very good food!!


i was quite happy/shocked that bf's mom invited me.

its was like my first official lunch with him & his family.

ate until my stomach almost burst!!


but of cos nth beats mummy's home cook food.

i want her..


totally missing it!!



tml's the 31/12/07!!

the finally day of the year.


fast fast.

will be celebrating it at church.

pot luck dinner.

den duno gona do wad until 1030pm for countdown service.

was thinking of doing smth after countdown.

i mean how boring it is to countdown den
bye!! go home??


oh wells.

i've made new resolutions for the new year!!

so yep dats all i can think up of now.

if i happen to think up more den i will pen down my tots in this blog of mine.


drawn by urs truly..

peace out ppl!!




Written with much love @
7:05 PM


❤ Nuffnang.

❤ Twitpic.

❤ Instagram.

You can follow me @serene_

❤ This is Me.


My name is SERENE
Wife of Aloisius.
Mummy of Seraphina & Angelica.

I believe in true love ❤
Cos I found mine. =)

Lilypie Next Birthday Ticker

❤ This is Us.

© copyrighted; property of aloisiuserene.




Love is patient, Love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast,
It is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
But rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
Always hopes, always perserveres.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Daisypath Next Aniversary Ticker
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

❤ Chit Chats.


Mr & Mrs;

❤ Our First Christmas.
❤ Valentines`08.
❤ Hubby's Birthday`08.
❤ My Birthday`08.
❤ Our Wedding Day.
❤ Our Second Christmas.
❤ Our Second CNY.
❤ Hubby`s Birthday`09.
❤ My First Mothers` Day.
❤ My Birthday`09.
❤ Hubby`s First Fathers` Day.
❤ Hubby`s First Drive.
❤ Our First Wedding Anniversary.
❤ Christmas`09.
❤ New Years`10.
❤ Chinese New Year`10.
❤ My Birthday`10.
❤ Our Anniversary`10.
❤ First Visit To The Zoo.
❤ Mooncake Festival`10.
❤ First Visit To ExplorerKid.
❤ Second Visit To ExplorerKid.
❤ Choosing Sera's School.
❤ Christmas Gathering`10.
❤ Christmas`10.
❤ Hubby`s Birthday`11.
❤ First flat Application.
❤ My Birthday`11 Part I.
❤ My Birthday`11 Part II.
❤ Hubby`s Enlistment.
❤ Choosing our Flat.
❤ Our Anniversary`11.
❤ National Day`11.
❤ Mooncake Festival`11.
❤ Hubby`s POP.
❤ Sera`s Parent Orientation.
❤ Christmas`11.
❤ New Years`11.
❤ ExplorerKid AMK Hub.
❤ Reunion Dinners`12.
❤ CNY`12 - Day 1.
❤ CNY`12 - Day 2.
❤ Underwater World.
❤ Hubby`s Birthday`12.
❤ First Family Movie.
❤ Zoo Trip.
❤ Good Friday`12.
❤ Mother's Day`12.
❤ National Day`12.


❤ Choosing Her Name.
❤ Her First Scan at KKH.
❤ Her First Scan at GEH.
❤ Announcing Her Birth.
❤ Her Birth Story.
❤ Her First Month Celebration I.
❤ Her First Month Celebration II.
❤ Her First Month Celebration III.
❤ Her First Time In Church.
❤ Her Second Month Progress.
❤ Her Third Month Progress.
❤ Her Fourth Month Progress.
❤ Her First Fruit Juice.
❤ Her First Cereal.
❤ Her Fifth Month Progress.
❤ Her First Tooth.
❤ Her Sixth Month Progress.
❤ Her Seventh Month Progress.
❤ Her First Mooncake Festival.
❤ Her Eighth Month Progress.
❤ Her Ninth Month Progress.
❤ Her Tenth Month Progress.
❤ Her First New Year.
❤ Her Eleventh Month Progress.
❤ Her One Year Progress.
❤ Her First Birthday.
❤ Her First Chinese New Year.
❤ Her Thirteenth Progress.
❤ Her Fourteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her First Swim.
❤ Her Fifteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Sixteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Seventeenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Eighteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her First Visit To Fidgets.
❤ Her Nineteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her First At Vivo's Playground.
❤ Her First Visit To The Zoo.
❤ Her First Visit To ExplorerKid.
❤ Her Twenty Month Progress.
❤ Her Twenty-One Month Progress.
❤ Her Twenty-Two Month Progress.
❤ Her Twenty-Third Month Progress.
❤ Her Second Birthday.
❤ Her Enrollment; Pre-N.
❤ Her Baptism.
❤ Her Potty-Training Milestone.
❤ Her First Day In School.
❤ Her First CNY Celebration In School.
❤ Her Third Birthday.
❤ Her Student Portfolio;Term 2 `12.


❤ Annoucing Her Birth.
❤ Her Birth Story.
❤ Her First Month Celebration.
❤ Her Sixth Weeks Progress.
❤ Her Second Month Progress.
❤ Her First Milestone.
❤ Her Third Month Progress.
❤ Her First Visit to the Zoo.
❤ Her First Mooncake Festival.
❤ Her Second Milestone.
❤ Her Fourth Month Progress.
❤ Her First Fruit Juice.
❤ Her First Grape Juice.
❤ Her First Mango Juice.
❤ Her Fifth Month Progress.
❤ Her First Hair Shave.
❤ Her Third Milestone.
❤ Her Sixth Month Progress.
❤ Her Fourth Milestone.
❤ Her Seventh Month Progress.
❤ Her Eighth Month Progress.
❤ Her Ninth Month Progress.
❤ Her Tenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Baptism.
❤ Her Eleventh Month Progress.
❤ Her One Year Progress.
❤ Her First Birthday.
❤ Her First Step.
❤ Her Thirteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Fourteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Fifteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Sixteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Seventeenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Eighteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Nineteenth Month Progress.
❤ Her Twenty Month Progress.
❤ Her First Swim.
❤ Her Twenty-One Month Progress.
❤ Weaning Off Pacifier.
❤ Her Enrollment; Pre-N.
❤ Her Twenty-Two Month Progress.
❤ Her Talking Milestone.
❤ Her Twenty-Third Month Progress.
❤ Her Second Birthday.


❤ Love.
❤ Love Is A Moment.
❤ Love & Marriage.
❤ You Are My Rib.
❤ Life Is Too Short.
❤ I'm Not Perfect.
❤ Girls Are Like Apples.
❤ Paper Rose I.
❤ Paper Rose II.
❤ Fold A Paper Rose.

❤ Sweet Escapes.

~ Adler.
~ Adeline.
~ Aisyah.
~ Alson.
~ Alice.
~ Amulet.
~ Atika.
~ Austin.
~ Bella.
~ Bob.
~ Bing xue.
~ Celest.
~ Colleen.
~ Clara.
~ Casey.
~ Cakee.
~ Chee Yee.
~ Cheahs.
~ Darren.
~ Diyanah.
~ Diana.
~ Dorcas.
~ Dawn.
~ Elaine.
~ Etrini.
~ Evelynn.
~ Fyla.
~ Gaelan.
~ Genoveva.
~ Guan Wei.
~ Hannah.
~ Hakam.
~ Hafa.
~ Hua Zhen.
~ Hui Ling.
~ Hui Xian.
~ Ivan.
~ Iza.
~ Janice.
~ Janice.
~ Jas.
~ Jasmine.
~ Jane.
~ Jen.
~ Jessie.
~ Jo.
~ Joachim.
~ Jocelyn.
~ Joyce.
~ Joon Keong.
~ Joell.
~ Krsytal.
~ Kamilah.
~ Linda.
~ Magdalene .
~ Maisarah.
~ Martin.
~ Margaret.
~ Marc.
~ Melvin.
~ Ming Yu.
~ Muzammil.
~ Natasha.
~ Nadiah.
~ Nicole.
~ Pei Yun.
~ Pei Xian.
~ Pei Pei.
~ Pearl.
~ Penny.
~ Sandy.
~ Serene.
~ Sharon.
~ Sherlyn.
~ Shuling.
~ Squid.
~ Shah.
~ Shikin.
~ Stella.
~ Syaf.
~ Syaqila.
~ Syed.
~ Ting.
~ Valerie.
~ Wai Peng.
~ Yvonne.
~ Xin Ni.
~ Xue Qi.
~ Xia Xue.
~ Yanwen.
~ Yan Xin.
~ Yun Hao.
~ Yuko.
~ Yvonne.
~ Zijie.


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